Massage for Construction workers and trades people

Many articles about massage seem to focus on how good it can be for office workers or athletes, so you might be forgiven for believing that it’s not something the average construction worker would do, or would need to do.
 That’s where you’d be mistaken!

Workers in the construction industry or people whose work involves physical labor can be more in need of a massage than most

Here’s why...

If your work is very physical, you can be more susceptible to work related injuries, aches and pains than some other people who don’t really move a lot. It stands to reason that if you’re moving, lifting and generally being active all day there’s more opportunity for muscle over use and injury.

What you need to help you avoid problems – or ease any aches and pains, is a good massage as part of a regular routine.

It’s not just because of the physical strain that working in that sort of an environment can cause you; you also need to learn how to relax when the day job gets stressful. See it as your therapy.

If you’ve started to develop any lower back pain a more intense massage schedule might be useful, and a deeper more therapeutic massage needed. This can also help if you’re starting to get muscle or joint stiffness or feel a reduced range of motion. Cramps, pulled muscles and minor strains are all issues that can affect laborers and trades people who are constantly on the go and don’t always take breaks as often as they should when the work day gets stressful. These are best dealt with before they become anything more serious.

Therapeutic Massage

If you’ve injured yourself, get that massage appointment booked quickly. Not only does the correct course of therapeutic massage treatments help to boost healing by stimulating your circulation, but if you’re dealing with muscular contractions, it can help to loosen the tight, contracted muscle fibers and soothe any painful spasms. Regular massage appointments will also help you to avoid problems in the future.

The constant bending and lifting involved in this line of work can cause many problems with your posture, which has a knock on effect. Regular massage can help to get your muscles and joints more flexible, which will help your body to maintain the correct alignment and avoid injuries from lifting or not bending properly at work.
Physical problems can often be treated and soothed with massage, avoiding the need for expensive medical treatment and time off. Sometimes, massage can be prescribed as part of a physical therapy program following an injury as a way to help you build strength and increase flexibility. 

Don’t be tempted to ignore those nagging twinges or pains when you’re working – it’s often the case that people who work in physical labor don’t feel that they have the time to ‘indulge’ themselves with a therapeutic massage treatment – they just don’t have the time.  The truth is that it’s people who are ‘too busy’ that often need the benefit of a good massage the most! 

Book your appointment now, before that little ache starts to cost you time and money!